A downloadable Make-Ball-reach-goal for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A 14-level game about making a ball reach its goal, the bucket. You cannot move the ball directly, but you can move the environment, to make the ball roll into the bucket. Remember, it won't be an extremely easy task. You have to use tools like pressure pads, rotatable bricks, rotation-stopping buttons and spinning wheels. Obstacles will be on their way to make your game harder. Roll your way through rooms, deserts, graveyards, bakery shops and so many more places. But, there's something lurking in the dark.. who will throw you out of the game if you fail to fulfil his task, and will delete all your progress. Play to find out!!..

This game has an uncanny relation with one of my other games - Run In HellAlso, one hint : While playing any level in the game, you may try to search for hidden things.

Me playing the game! :-


Bucket-Ball! - Windows 96 MB
Bucket-Ball! - Mac Os 100 MB
Bucket-Ball! - Linux 102 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the file as .zip.

2. Open file in file explorer. Right click and press Extract files.

3. Inside the received folder, open the .exe file.

4. Now ,go ahead . Have fun playing my game !

Development log


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